
Enter ad

To be able to publish an event on, you need a free guidle account.

Don't have a free guidle account yet?
Register for free and enter your events.

You already have a guidle account?
You already have a guidle account? Log in directly with your existing data.
If you no longer know your password, you can reset it.

Free publication
The publication of events on is always free of charge. You will receive the Media Service small from the Canton of Uri as a gift, with which your event ad will also be published on other websites and media. This frees you from the time-consuming entry work and allows you to reach an even larger target audience.

More media presence
Would you like to achieve maximum media presence? Then Guidle AG offers additional media services at attractive conditions. Further information can be found at guidle's conditions.

Integrate into your own website
Do you want to reduce your administrative workload even further? You can also easily integrate the events you have registered with us into your own website via iFrame or XML or JSON stream. You can find further information at guidle.